Electricity Supply in Ukraine till 01.01.2019

Requirements for Electricity Suppliers in Ukraine

There were two types of electricity suppliers under the Ukrainian legislation till 01.01.2019:

1. Suppliers at the regulated tariff (SRT) - they are mainly related to the regional energy distributors (oblenergos, or distribution system operators) and structural units of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" in some regions of Ukraine, which were operating under a fixed (regulated) State tariff for electricity supply. The consumer for such kind of the Supplier could be only an individual, a small no household consumer or another consumer equated to this category by law.

2. Suppliers at unregulated tariff to Consumers (SUT) - These are economic entities which have a right to supply electricity to consumers at an unregulated (free) tariff.  Cooperating with such kind of Suppliers allowed the consumer to get a lower price for electricity compared with a fixed price of SRT (oblenergo) because of the forced value reduction of own profit of SUT in conditions of the competition on the non-monopolized market of SUT. A consumer of SUT could be any legal entity.


The Energy Company «Ukrenergoexport» was related to the second type of the electricity Suppliers namely the electricity Supplier at an unregulated tariff to consumers and satisfied all formal requirements of the Ukrainian legislation to this type of activity:

  1. had the NERC license №АВ507762 what allowed to sell electricity to any consumers throughout of Ukraine and electricity export outside of Ukraine to any foreign consumers.
  2. Was a member of the Wholesale Electricity Market of Ukraine (WEM).
  3. Had a valid contract for the electricity selling from SE "Energorynok" (operator of the Wholesale Electricity Market), based on which buys the required amount of electricity in the WEM, transmits electricity to borders of any operator of distribution systems (oblenergos) for the further delivery to end users.
  4. Had a valid contracts for the electricity transportation with Regional Operators of distribution system (oblenergos) – monopoly owners of electricity distribution networks in regions based on which they transport electricity for supply to the electricity networks of the end-user.

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Assesment of the Economic feasibility for the electricity purchase at an unregulated (free) tariff till 01.01.2019

For the assessment of the economic effect from the electricity purchaising at an unregulated (free) tariff in the Energy Company «Ukrenergoexport», you had to send us completed questionnaire.

hourly power consumption template In addition, for more accurate technical and economic calculation it is desirable together with the questionnaire to submit an actual data on hourly electricity consumption for any given calendar month in accordance with the provided  template:  




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Requirements to consumers for the electricity purchase at an unregulated (free) tariff till 01.01.2019

Electricity consumers which are considering the possibility to work with SUT had to meet the following main criteria:

  1. Lack of the consumer's debt before SRT (oblenergo).
  2. Steady electricity load during the day, week, month.
  3. Availability on the consumer's site a differentiated meters and automated system of commercial electricity accounting (AMR)

Requirements of B and C criterias had a priority nature and could have an exeption for the customer based on individual cases.

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The transition procedure for consumer from the Supplier at a regulated tariff (SRT) to the Energy Company "Ukrenergoexport" till 01.01.2019

The consumer who met the main criteria and decided to move to the EC «Ukrenergoexport» for the electricity purchasing at an unregulated (free) tariff had to complete the following steps:

  1. To sign a  Agreement  with the energy company «Ukrenergoeхport».
  2. To obtain «The Statement about Consumer's Electricity Consumprion Status» according to the template of the Wholesale Electricity Market with the mandatory attachments:
    1. Certificate for the local device for the data collection and processing (LDDCP) and (or) automated system of commercial electricity monitoring records (AMR).
    2. Protocol of Metrological Certification of Measuring Systems and LDDCP / AMR.
    3. Passports-protocols for the verification of measuring hourly complexes (meters, amperage and voltage transformers).
    4. Approved the consumers' electric power supply scheme with the limits indication of balance affiliations and meters instalations places
  3. To send a notification letter about the Agreement termination at least 20 days prior before the delivery month by SUT to the SRT (oblenergo) between the SRT and the consumer in terms of delivery of the active power and complete the full calculation with SRT for the last delivery month from SRT.

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